© Carol A. Nauss, February, 2014
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Helpful Links
Need Help :
Nova Scotia Wait Times for medical procedures
Our Health Centre - hours of operation and
CIA Fact Book Information about destinations
around the world, kids information page,
Bernadette Jordan, MP
- South Shore/St.
Email: Bernadette.Jordan@parl.gc.ca
Constituency Office - 129 Aberdeen Rd., Suite
106, Bridgewater, NS B4V 2S7
Phone 1-902-527- 5655
Parliamentary Office - 229 Wellington st.,
Confederation Building, Suite 651, Ottawa, Ont
K1A 0A6
Hon. Hugh MacKay - MLA
209-9977 St. Margaret’s Bay Road
Hubbards, NS
Toll free 833-826-0222
HughMacKayMLA - facebook
#HughMacKayCSM - twitter
888-347-8888 or 1-888-347-3331 (TTY) The
toll-free problem gambling help line is open 24
hours a day. All calls are answered in person,
and all information is confidential.
CHC Atlantic is a private provider of counseling
services, which operates the Problem Gambling
Help Line under contract to the Department of
Health. Website
KIDS HELP LINE or PHONE 1-800-668-6868
The Kids Help Phone is a toll-free, bilingual, 24
hour service providing professional counselling,
information and referral services to teenagers
and children.
SS Drug Dependency - Phone Lun. 634-8801
Ext. 3225 / Bridgewater 543-7882
24 Hr. Detox Helpline - Lun. 634-4624
Sexual Education - 275-3581 (Resource Nurse,
Second Story Women's Centre - Bridgewater
Harbour House - 1-888-543-3999 (Transition
house for abused women & children)
Family & Children's Services - 543-4554
Planned Parenthood - 543-1315 (Info on STD's
family planning, pregnacy testing, condoms)
ACCESS NOVA SCOTIA or Phone: 902-543-
0660 Fax: 902-543-0599 Access Nova Scotia is
designed to improve your access to
government information services and
programs. Whether your inquiry has to do with:
provincial - federal- or municipal government.
SENIORS INFO LINE - 902-624-1897 in the
Bridgewater area outside the area TOLL FREE
1-800-264-8384 Office hours Monday,
Wednesday and Friday 2:00 pm to 4:00pm
Lighthouse Food Bank - Located at Valley Road
in Chester, is open every Wednesday from 9:30
a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 902-275-5304
Alzheimer Society Nova Scotia - 5954 Spring
Garden Road, Halifax, N.S. B2H 1Y7;
Phone:902-422-7961; Fax: 902-422-7971;
Email: alzheimer@ns.sympatico.ca
Activities for Alzheimer and dementia patients
Arts and Crafts for patients with alzeimers
VON Lunenburg County Branch - The Order
offers Wellnesss Clinics, Foot Care Clinics, Flu
Clinics, Veterans Independent Program,
Volunteer Services Program, Frozen Favorites,
Friendly Visiting, Caregiver Support, Senior
Health Days and Seniors Information Line. Call
902-624-0318 Toll Free 1-877-813-3111 Fax:
902-624-0319 Email
Consumer Information - Government
information service
The Canadian Assoc. for Suicide Prevention
Avalon Sexual Assault Centre in Halifax
Stop Cyberbullying.org
The Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team 1-888-
429-8167 or in Halifax 429-8167
The Boomer’s Roadmap for Aging in Place:
How to Prepare Today for Your Senior Years
Aging and Preventive Health
The benefits of growing old in your own home
10 Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s
The Benefits of Cooking with Alzheimer’s: A
Caregiver’s Guide
10 Brain Exercises That Boost Memory
Teen Drug Abuse: The Facts and Statistics
12 Ways to Help a Teen Handle the Emotional
Challenges of Moving
The Best Things Parents Can Do to Prevent
Teenage Drinking
Activities for old senior citizens
More Links
Lordly House Museum